【loaf是什么意思,男士七分裤搭配什么鞋子好?】可以选择乐福鞋“Loafer” “Loaf”一词的本意指的是一种闲散的生活方式,而Loafer就代表着一群拥有这种闲适自在的生活态度的人loaf是什么意思 。
乐福鞋搭配小贴士 1、如今得益于五花八门的材质和装饰物,乐福鞋早已不受搭配的局限,无论正装、休闲都是它的最佳拍档 。2、至于穿乐福鞋不能搭配袜子的说法,也已由时尚潮人改写,如果是修身九分裤,袜子又够好看,搭配是一切皆有可能的 。3、根据季节的不同,所选Loafers的材质也应相对有些变化,比如秋冬季节可以选择例如磨砂、翻毛皮之类的相对黯一点的鞋子,而天暖时则可以选择光泽度较高的皮鞋材质 。
Meat Loaf演唱的《Alive》 以下是歌词和翻译I’m still aliveMust have been a miracle我还活着,这绝对是个奇迹It’s been a hell of rideDestination still unknown披荆斩棘,却仍不知终点所在It’s a fact of life:这就是生活If you make one wrong move with the gun to your head一着不慎,便命悬一线You better walk the line or you’ll be left for dead小心应对,不然命丧黄泉I’m a runaway train on a broken track我是一辆脱轨狂奔的列车I’m the ticker on a bomb that you can’t turn back this time我是炸弹无法终止的定时器That’s right就这样 。I got away with it all and I’m still alive逍遥法外的我仍然活着Let the end of the world come tumbling down让世界终结的狂澜席卷而来吧I’ll be the last man standing on the ground我将屹立到最后As long as hot blood runs through my veins只要我的血液还在奔流I’m still alive我就仍然活着Lost in the night迷失在黑夜中Feeling so invisible感觉自己已然消失Oh, a dead man walking the wire噢,一个僵尸在走钢索I have broke the devils net我打破了That’s made of fire火焰做成的魔鬼的网And it’s a long way down from the top of the world这里离世界的顶端如此遥远You better look around or you gonna get burned你最好在自己被灼伤之前环视周围的环境I’m a runaway train on broken track我是一列破损轨道上横冲直撞的火车I’m a ticker on a bomb, you can’t turn back this time我是你无法停止的炸药上的倒时器That’s right就是这样I got away with it all and I’m still alive我大功告成且全身而退Let the end of the world come tumbling down让这末世全面倾塌吧I’ll be the last man standing on the ground我会是最后一个屹立不倒的人类And as the dust wheels look in my eyes当沾满灰尘的车轮映入我眼帘的时候I’m still alive我仍活着I’m still alive我仍然活着The darkest night ain’t black enough最黑暗的夜晚再黑暗To keep the morning light from shining也不足以阻挡晨光的闪耀The highest wall ain’t tall enough最高耸的城墙再高To keep the smallest man from climbing也不足以吓退最矮小的人去攀爬The more that you resist the tide你越是抵御这潮流The more it pulls you in它就越把你紧紧桎梏The more you hang onfor your life你就越要为自己的生活坚持
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