88句 2022年抖音甜甜的晚安句子文案最新( 四 )

17、一天的工作灑下你辛勤的汗水,留給你的是愉快的疲憊,願清風帶著快樂把你拂吹,願好夢在今夜伴你陶醉!祝晚安 。
A day's work sprinkles your hard sweat, leaving you happy exhaustion. May the breeze blow you with joy, and may the dream accompany you intoxicated tonight! uuuuuuuuuuu Good night.
Today it rains, just like the arrival of a landing. Greetings are not just in the night. Blessings are always hidden in the bottom of my heart. The rain stops and stops, but still worries about the deep night, baby, good night! uuuuuuuuu
What should be done, what should be said, the scenery to see, the game to play, the summary to write, the dream to do, right? Go to bed early, good night!
20、每一個疲憊的靈魂都希望得到片刻喘息,每一份失落的心情都希望得到短暫的安撫 。讓一切失落和疲憊消逝在黑夜中,祝好夢!
【88句 2022年抖音甜甜的晚安句子文案最新】Every tired soul hopes to get a breath for a moment, and every lost mood hopes to get a temporary comfort. Let all loss and exhaustion fade away in the night, good dreams!
